First Microloan of West Virginia sponsors business fundamentals training for entrepreneurs
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Small Business Development Center (WV SBDC) will offer free business fundamentals workshops April 1 through Sept. 30, thanks to the continuing sponsorship of First Microloan of West Virginia.
A returning sponsor, First Microloan supported WV SBDC’s first free workshop series in 2018. The sponsorship allows WV SBDC to offer the workshops without the standard $35 registration fee.
The WV SBDC live and online workshops are designed specifically for people who are thinking of starting a business or have had a business for one year or less. The workshop covers topics such as how to develop a business plan, how to apply for a loan, and other essential information an entrepreneur needs to make their business a success. To register for an online or in-person workshop, visit and click on the Training Calendar.
After attending a workshop, interested entrepreneurs can take the next step by arranging to meet with a WV SBDC business coach. The meetings are one-on-one between the entrepreneur and the WV SBDC business coach. The statewide network of WV SBDC coaches are skilled individuals with professional certifications. They provide guidance in areas such as exporting, innovation, technology and economic development, finance, management, cybersecurity and marketing.
WV SBDC has remained the premier resource for small business creation and expansion in the Mountain State for more than 35 years. As a key economic driver, the WV SBDC offers a variety of services to entrepreneurs and small businesses to increase their profitability and customer base, enabling continued growth and prosperity for West Virginia’s diversifying economy.